
You are cordially invited to…

Another (!) lecture on Netporn, the subject that has captivated minds and moistened loins around the world.

This talk is part of the Frontiers of Contemporary Thought series, jointly produced by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), the University of the Sinos River Valley (UNISINOS) and Copesul, a private chemical company located in Porto Alegre. According to Copesul’s website, confirmed speakers for the series include Bernard-Henri Levy, Peter Greenaway, Pierre Levy, Marshall Berman, Christopher Hitchens, Camille Paglia, and Michel Houellebecq. I am reliably informed, by one of my hosts, that I’ll speak before “a selected audience of Brazilian scholars, journalists, and decision makers.” In other words, I’ll have the Ear of Power as I talk, preposterously enough, about…

“Humanimal” porn in the age of genetic chimera and xenotransplants; the cultural crosstalk between warporn and gorenography (Saw, Hostel, et. al.); pathological masculinity in Dubya’s America; male bonding in the military, stalked by the ever-present specter of the Queer Within; Theweleit; Sontag; Foucault; Zizek; and what happens when Matrix “bullet time” meets PhotoShopped cumshots, among other things.

When: June 26, 2007
7:30 pm

Where: Porto Alegre, Brazil
Federal University
Federal University Lecture Hall

Stop by and say hello, if you’re in town.

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